pie 24/7 dreamer

 Please click here  to view the video:   Business presentation for pie 24/7

What is the product?
Our product is a suite of marketing tools and resources designed to help you make more money with your small or home-based business. Our primary market is the 600,000,000 home-based business entrepreneurs, many of whom who are not given the guidance or assets needed to ensure their business success. In the modern business environment, no business can succeed without expert communications platforms and strategic marketing capabilities. We offer both of these through our own proprietary PIE Webs, PIE Leads, and PIE Email offerings. We complement these essential tools with resources to further develop your business and marketing efforts. Furthermore, we offer live opportunity and training calls, webinars, and other mentoring opportunities to help you better understand the marketplace, as well as how best to use our tools. Please go the PRODUCT PAGE for complete details on our comprehensive and proprietary suite of tools. We’re quite proud of what we have to offer, and we know we have exactly what most small businesses and home-based businesses need to reach their maximum potential. Furthermore, we are constantly updating and adding to our tool set.



More info and more detailed video: 8204.pie247.com/business-opportunity


Where can PIE 24/7 products be sold?
The PIE 24/7 products are universally in demand, and because they are digitally delivered, they can be sold simply and easily online. Consequently, the PIE 24/7 suite of products may be sold anywhere on the globe, excepting those places where local regulations forbid it.

Where can the PIE 24/7 business opportunity be offered?
The PIE 24/7 products are universally in demand, and because they are digitally delivered, they can be sold simply and easily online. At this time, PIE 24/7 is increasing its availalability at a rapid pace. See the country dropdown in our registration menu for the latest listing of available nations.

What are the payment options/mode of payment?   

Currently only Credit Cards and Payza. 


How do I get paid? 

Earnings can be claimed weekly, every Friday, from there it may take up to 3 days until its in the payza account. From there you have same options like with paypal, bank transfer, to creditcard, bitcoins and a few other options.

What If I failed to pay for 1 month, will the  account be deactivated or is there an  extension?  Then, once the payment is made,  will I still have my pie/position? 

If payment failed, you become lapsed, while you are lapsed you don't earn, that is the only restriction, you will not loose your position (the limit on being lapsed is around 5 month, after 5 month the company might consider you a cancelled member). When you activate (pay), you will continue earning on your business, but will not receive the money that you would have earned while being lapsed.

Can you create multiple websites? or just only 1 site with subpages?
One site is plenty to brand yourself and your business (existing or pie business) and the 5 lead pages do the rest. If you have multiple businesses and you need to seperate them, you would need another account, which could simply be a product only account. Let me know if you really require another one, right now its in the companies best interest to have as many sites up as possible so there is a variation of product creations, so i am sure i can grab you a second free one.  

Whats the use of 168-day challenge? is it like a workout when you go to the gym daily and lose weight? :) 

The general idea behind it is to support members with the mindset switch from employee to entrepreneur with daily short 2-3 minute videos and the use of goal setting software to track the progress of personal set daily and monthly goals. The program consist of 4 semesters. In the end you receive a certificate. Its not setup smoothly enough yet in my opinion, the videos start off too slow and are not as capturing as they should be, it gets really good after the 12th day and builds up to a university degree level (Entrepreneurship). PIE 24/7 is created to give a person the knowledge, the online business tools and income that is needed to become a successful income producing Entrepreneur. Over time content, quality and Presentation of the 168 change your life challenge will continue to Improve.

How to join?

To sign up:  8204.pie247.com/sign-up 

To learn more:  8204.pie247.com/business-opportunity

Main website:  8204.pie247.com  

FREE DEMO:  8204.letstrypie.com

To get more information, please subscribe to :  https://piedreamer.pielead.com/websitedesign
